The Dorse

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm back!

Well actually I have been here all along and have been watching all of you watching this page with bated breath, waiting expectantly like a dog waiting for its dinner. Here it is then, the juicy thigh bone, the tender chicken strips, the "Home Brand Beef Dog Food- With Meat". Enjoy!

Which reminds me, thanks to all those who left (increasingly insane) comments about this new enterprise, continue to leave your deposits in the relevant area (but not on the new lounge please).

After considerable thought, I have decided to adopt a mixed approach for future entries, based around the days of the week. Confused? I was, until I realised what I meant. Each day of the week has a different title, giving me opportunities to discuss a range of topics that I enjoy, such as sport, reading and the Japanese economy, while also incorporating your interests, such as sport, reading, and (hopefully) the Japanese economy. I will blog quite randomly on different days so everything gets covered and you remain on your toes and alert but not alarmed. So far, the list reads as follows:
My Monday Mumble
Top Ten Tuesday
Wordwit Wednesday
Thimble 'n' Thread Thursday (???)
Feelgood Friday Funday
Silly and Sporty Saturday
Seriously Sentimental Sunday

Got a suggestion for the sixteenth day of the week? Wondering what I could possibly have planned for Jesday or Xenday? Not sure where Quengziday fits into this scheme? Leave a comment!


PS: Sorry for treating you (my audience) like a dog in paragraphs one and two. It won't happen again.