The Dorse

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Who would have thought it would begin here? Certainly not I. Having no computer skills, and no real desire to acquire any, I assumed my life was destined to be computer (and hence blog) free. I blame my good friend and housemate, Tom, whose excellent blog has kept me entertained for hours, igniting a hidden passion for internet exploration and creativity.

So where to from here, you ask in a bemused yet somewhat expectant way (Sorry to tell you how you are feeling at this early stage). What can we expect? A very astute question which gives me an indication that I am writing to an intellectual audience. At this point, I have little idea where this blog is going in terms of content and structure. With this in mind, I am kindly giving you (the intellectual reader) an opportunity to suggest some brilliant ideas for future direction. I’ll tackle just about anything, and have a broad range of interests.

Grab this opportunity to influence the world in a big way… Post a suggestion!

Until next time,

Jono Dorse